Example interview questions for Head of Key Stage / Key Stage Co-ordinator / Year Group Lead / Head of Year. Used effectively to find the correct candidate this term. We used these questions for the appointment of Head of KS1, but can be applied for KS2 and upwards. Use these questions to prepare for the interview process.
Good luck! Happy to help further if needed :)
A successful cover letter and supporting statement/application linked to the points on a class teacher job specification and person specification
Happy to help further if needed to support your application.
Includes cover letter and supporting statement, an example of a successful class teacher job application, with reference to teacher training experience suitable for a class teacher ECT position. This includes links to experiences and passions in response to the job specification for the role. In addition, example interview style questions are included in the style frequently asked when interviewing candidates, including ECT for class teacher positions.
A selection of successful job application cover letters and additional information to be used on the application form. Can be applied to any age level. This was for a Primary School application. Suitable for ECTs seeking their first job. Also suitable for qualified teachers.
Good luck! Don’t hesitate to contact me if you require any further guidance.